Processing Frames with Lambda and Rust

7 minute read

This is a continuation of the Processing Video with MediaConvert and Lambda post.

With the frames getting stored in S3 the next step is to process them. In this demo we’re going to run a Sobel Operator over them before saving in another S3 bucket.

Now my default GoTo for Lambda functions is Python. It’s a popular enought language you can easily find help for. However, any image processing library I know of includes C libraries that need compiling on install. This causes problems because (as far as I’m aware) Pip doesn’t support cross-compiling during library install. Which makes packaging up Lambda functions from my Macbook more pain than I want to deal with for this solution.

So I start thinking “you’ve been meaning to try out Rust for a while, why not now?” Rust has a great Lambda tool. You can use it on your local machine and have it build Lambda compatible binaries.

After getting a simple Hello World working in Lambda, I went on the hunt for a Sobel Operator library. I came across Edgy by a guy named Dan Greco. Edgy is a command line app rather than a library, but I could pull what I needed from it.

From there it was a simple case of implementing the infrastructure to trigger the Lambda on new items to the frame bucket, having the function process them, then save them into the output bucket.

Output Bucket

Before we do anything else we need somewhere to store processed frames.

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "processed_frames" {
  bucket = "mediaconvert-test-processed-frames-${random_string.suffix.result}"

Modify Lambda Module

We’re going to run our frame processor on an arm64 Lambda. Add the following variable to the module.

variable "architectures" {
  description = "CPU architectures to run the Lambda function on"
  default     = ["x86_64"]
  type        = list(string)

And update the aws_lambda_function resource

resource "aws_lambda_function" "lambda_function" {
  architectures = var.architectures

Lambda Code

In the Lambda functions directory run this to create the function template

cargo lambda new frame-processor

It’ll ask you some questions:

Is this function an HTTP function? N
AWS Event type that this function receives: s3::S3Event (scroll down to it)

Add the following dependencies to the Cargo.toml

anyhow = "1.0"
aws-config = "1.1.4"
aws-sdk-s3 =  "1.14.0"
image = "0.21.0"
serde = "1.0.196"
serde_json = "1.0.113"

In we want to import a few libraries. Most of this is standard Lambda stuff. image is the image library we’re going to use (duh). tracing is for logging. mod sobel refers to the we’re going to create further on.

extern crate aws_config;
extern crate aws_lambda_events;
extern crate aws_sdk_s3;
extern crate image;

use aws_config::{BehaviorVersion, load_defaults};
use aws_lambda_events::event::s3::S3Event;
use aws_sdk_s3::{Client, primitives::ByteStream};
use lambda_runtime::{run, service_fn, Error, LambdaEvent};
use std::{fs::File, io::Write, path::Path, env::var, str::FromStr};
use tracing::Level;

mod sobel;

A couple of static variables

static TMP_SOURCE_FILE: &str = "/tmp/source.jpg";
static TMP_OUTPUT_FILE: &str = "/tmp/output.jpg";

A function to process files. This will download the file from S3, run the Sobel Operator on it, then upload it to the output bucket using the same key as the ingress object.

async fn handle_record(client: Client, bucket: &str, key: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
    tracing::debug!({%bucket, %key}, "Handling record");

    if !key.ends_with(".jpg") {
        tracing::info!({%key}, "File is not a JPEG image, exiting");
        return Ok(())

    let output_bucket = var("OUTPUT_BUCKET").unwrap();
    let blur_modifier = var("BLUR_MODIFIER").unwrap().parse::<i32>().unwrap();

    let mut source_file = File::create(&TMP_SOURCE_FILE)?;
    let mut object = client

    while let Some(bytes) = object.body.try_next().await? {
    tracing::debug!({%key, %TMP_SOURCE_FILE}, "Downloaded file from S3 to local disk");

    sobel::process_image(TMP_SOURCE_FILE, TMP_OUTPUT_FILE, blur_modifier);
    tracing::debug!({%TMP_SOURCE_FILE, %TMP_OUTPUT_FILE, %blur_modifier}, "Finished processing image");

    let body = ByteStream::from_path(Path::new(TMP_OUTPUT_FILE)).await;
    let _ = client
    tracing::debug!({%TMP_OUTPUT_FILE, %output_bucket, %key}, "Uploaded output file to S3");


We need to update the function_handler() to process the incoming S3Event.

#[tracing::instrument(skip(event), fields(req_id = %event.context.request_id))]
async fn function_handler(event: LambdaEvent<S3Event>) -> Result<(), Error> {
    let aws_config = load_defaults(BehaviorVersion::v2023_11_09()).await;
    let client = Client::new(&aws_config);

    for record in event.payload.records.iter() {
        let bucket ="Could not get bucket name from record");
        let key = record.s3.object.key.clone().expect("Could not get key from object record");

        tracing::debug!({%bucket, %key}, "Received new file");

        match handle_record(client.clone(), &bucket, &key).await {
            Ok(()) => {
                tracing::info!({%bucket, %key}, "Processed file");
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!({%bucket, %key, %err}, "Failed to process file");

These events contain one or more records. Each record is a file that has been uploaded to S3. We pull the object key and bucket name from the record and make a call to the handle_record() function.

In the main() function, we’re going to update the logging functionality.

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
        .with_current_span(false)   // remove duplicate information from the logs
        .without_time()             // disabling time is handy because CloudWatch will add the ingestion time.
        .with_target(false)         // disable printing the name of the module in every log line.

What we’ve got here will take the event details from the S3 trigger, iterate over ever record in the event, and process each image using the process_image() function from the sobel module.

For the module we need to create in the src directory. In here we’re going to refactor some of the Edgy app.

use image::{GenericImageView, ImageBuffer, Luma};

pub fn process_image(source_filename: &str, output_filename: &str, blur_modifier: i32) {
    tracing::debug!({%source_filename, %output_filename, %blur_modifier}, "Starting image processing");
    let source = image::open(source_filename).unwrap();
    let (width, height) = source.dimensions();
    let sigma = (((width * height) as f32) / 3630000.0) * blur_modifier as f32;
    let gaussed = source.blur(sigma);
    let gray = gaussed.to_luma();

    let sobel_width:u32 = gray.width()-2;
    let sobel_height:u32 = gray.height()-2;
    let mut buff:ImageBuffer<Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>> = ImageBuffer::new(sobel_width, sobel_height);

    for i in 0..sobel_width {
        for j in 0..sobel_height {
            let val0 = gray.get_pixel(i, j).data[0] as i32;
            let val1 = gray.get_pixel(i+1, j).data[0] as i32;
            let val2 = gray.get_pixel(i+2, j).data[0] as i32;
            let val3 = gray.get_pixel(i, j+1).data[0] as i32;
            let val5 = gray.get_pixel(i+2, j+1).data[0] as i32;
            let val6 = gray.get_pixel(i, j+2).data[0] as i32;
            let val7 = gray.get_pixel(i+1, j+2).data[0] as i32;
            let val8 = gray.get_pixel(i+2, j+2).data[0] as i32;

            let gx = (-1*val0) + (-2*val3) + (-1*val6) + val2 + (2*val5) + val8;
            let gy = (-1*val0) + (-2*val1) + (-1*val2) + val6 + (2*val7) + val8;

            let mut mag = ((gx as f64).powi(2) + (gy as f64).powi(2)).sqrt();

            if mag > 255.0 {
                mag = 255.0;

            buff.put_pixel(i, j, Luma([mag as u8]));

You can compile the function with

cargo lambda build --release --arm64 --output-format binary

This will create a target/lambda/frame-processor directory that contains everything we need to upload to AWS.

Lambda Function Infrastructure

Now that we’ve built our executable, we need to create the function in AWS. First we define the access our function gets.

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "frame_processor" {
  statement {
    sid = "WriteToCloudWatchLogs"

    actions = [

    resources = ["*"]

  statement {
    sid = "ReadFilesFromRawFramesBucket"

    actions = [

    resources = [

  statement {
    sid = "WriteFilesToProcessedFramesBucket"

    actions = [

    resources = [

This lets it pull images from the MediaConvert output and write to our Processed Frames bucket. It also grants permissions to write logs.

For the function itself we’re going to make use of our lambda_function module.

module "frame_processor" {
  source = "./modules/lambda_function"

  function_name = "mediaconvert-frame-processor-${random_string.suffix.result}"
  iam_policy    = data.aws_iam_policy_document.frame_processor.json
  runtime       = "provided.al2"
  architectures = ["arm64"]
  handler       = "bootstrap"
  source_dir    = "${path.root}/lambda_functions/frame_processor/target/lambda/frame-processor"
  timeout       = 120

  environment_variables = {
    "OUTPUT_BUCKET" = aws_s3_bucket.processed_frames.bucket
    "LOG_LEVEL"     = "INFO"

The BLUR_MODIFIER variable adjusts how much blur is used when processing the image. Adjust this until you find the sweet spot.

Next we need to connect the function to the S3 bucket. This is done with a aws_s3_bucket_notification resource. We want to filter for ObjectCreated events so the function gets run every time a new image gets uploaded to the bucket.

To allow the bucket to trigger the Lambda function we need an aws_lambda_function resource. This grants the bucket the InvokeFunction permission.

resource "aws_lambda_permission" "frame_processor_trigger" {
  statement_id  = "AllowExecutionFromS3Bucket"
  action        = "lambda:InvokeFunction"
  function_name = module.frame_processor.function_arn
  principal     = ""
  source_arn    = aws_s3_bucket.raw_frames.arn

resource "aws_s3_bucket_notification" "frame_processor_trigger" {
  bucket =

  lambda_function {
    lambda_function_arn = module.frame_processor.function_arn
    events              = ["s3:ObjectCreated:*"]

  depends_on = [aws_lambda_permission.frame_processor_trigger]


I’m sure once you’ve got all this deploy you’re going to want to test it. The complete method would be to upload a video to the ingress bucket. However, if you can’t be bothered waiting for MediaConvert, you can simply upload a JPEG to the frames bucket. It needs to have a .jpg file extension as we filter for it. If everything’s working correctly you should see a file show up in the ProcessedFrames bucket.

If you’re having trouble, check out the complete diff for all changes made.

Wrapping Up

With this we’ve got a pipeline that rips videos into frames and processes them. Next steps would be to update the FrameProcessor to track the number of frames we’ve processed. We currently store the total number of frames in DynamoDB but we may want to reconsider that due to the number of IO requests per video.

Once that’s done we’ll be able to tell when we’ve processed all frames for a particular video and we can stitch it back together again. I’ll aim to get that sorted sooner than the 10 months this post took.
